Consolidated cadastral maps
Topographical Data
Actual terrain analysis
Final terrain analysis
Cut and Fill Calculation
Drainage System
Racking system
Arrays distribution
Module layout
Different racking configuration areas
Internal array shadow control
Internal near shadow control
External shadow control
Performance and yield report
String connection
Inverter placement and cabling
Trenches layout
Trenches type
Obtain single all cadastral maps of the project lands to consolidate it into one single project cadastral maps for defining the project boundary.
Obtain and integrate topographical data either via topographical on-site survey, aerial or satellite data into the project boundary to assess the actual terrain condition.
Calculate cut and fill figures (cubic meters) to estimate earthwork cost.
Place arrays considering the shadings as per customer preference and the terrain condition
Obtain the optimum module layout maximizing plant capacity and performance.
Calculate real near shadow losses due to the arrays themselves on the layout.
Calculate real near shadow losses due to internal elements such as inverter stations and houses on the layout.
Calculate real far shadow losses such as external trees and mountains.
With the final layout calculate the plant performance and yield.
Define the cabling configuration for the string.
Define the right location and optimum cabling for the inverters and transformers stations
Define the trenches layout and cabling length.
Define the cable trenches types with the layout .